Comedy Fans

Everyone has fans, and even unknown comedians like me have a few. And I’m a fan of other people’s work as well. But what happens when people don’t appreciate having fans? Here’s a short story about a few times that I’ve reached out to...

Having a Bad Show – comedian Frank King

Having a bad show for a comedian is part of the gig because not everyone likes your humor. But my buddy comedian Frank King had someone who overreacted BIG time to not liking his jokes. So I’m turning this podcast over to him to tell the story about having a bad...

Worrying and Comedy

Whenever you move into something new/different there are new/different worries that come with it. And as I went from marketing employee to comedian full-time, there were LOTS of things to worry about. Here’s one thing that helped me take the sting out of the...

Handling Hecklers

Hecklers are one of the things that scares people away from trying standup comedy. They visualize being on stage and being skewered by a heckler, and yes, that happens, but not as often as you think. Most comedians have figured out how to handle hecklers and keep the...

Making International Friends

This is a short episode about how I met my 1 international friend! LOL. I don’t travel internationally much, but I’d love to do more. For the moment though, I’ll have to settle for my one friend whom I’ve only met once but have been friends...