Jan McInnis
A comedian, comedy writer, keynote speaker and published author of 2 books, I’ve done almost all of it in the comedy business. I’m not famous but I am successful, and if you have the choice, go with success. . . it lasts longer!
Listen to my podcasts and I’ll show that you don’t have to be famous to make a career in the entertainment industry, but you do need a few other things (patience, forgiveness, a few beers?)
I’ve also written and sold comedy material to everyone from the Tonight Show with Jay Leno to greeting cards, syndicated cartoon strips, radio, and even guests on the Jerry Springer Show (my parents are proud!). I’ll tell those stories too.
I started my comedy career like most comedians. . .with the dreaded open mic nights! Then moved into comedy clubs, then on to corporate convention shows, theatres and keynotes.
Thanks for checking out my podcast!