Comedy and the SANDY Rules

This is my 100th episode of my podcast titled Comedian Stories! Today I discuss the commencement address I gave at my nieces college graduation ceremony. This is my advice for surviving life, and it’s how I’ve gotten through over 25 years of being a...

Multiple Comedy Shows

Sometimes you hit the jackpot in comedy and you wind up doing a bunch of shows for the same organization. This podcast talks about a couple of times this has happened to me. Whether it’s being the master of ceremonies or a comedy show or a keynote – there...

Comedy Green Rooms

What’s it like backstage in the green room? Well, it varies. It seems no two green rooms are alike, and there are pros and cons to them. I talk about a couple of my green room experiences in this episode of my weekly...

Cell Phones and Comedy Podcast

Cell phones are great – unless you’re a performer onstage and people don’t turn them off. Even worse, they talk on them! I lost my temper years ago when cell phones were new and people were answering them at inappropriate times. Here’s that...

Comedian Stalkers Podcast

Stalking is real in entertainment, even if you’re not a famous comedian! In this episode, I talk about my little experience with being stalked, or at least tracked. It’s kind of unnerving, and makes me wonder how the big name comedians deal with...